• Does CTE infect neuron to neuron?
  • Female Athletes Show No Difference from Males in Neurocognitive Testing After Suffering Sports-Related Concussions
  • Video games used to assess concussions
  • Brain injury's 911 call
  • Football helmet grants
  • NFL draft highlights concussion issues
  • The Dynavision D2 ™
  • Why concussions affect people differently
  • Study: concussed athletes returning too soon

Our Mission

SportsConcussions.org is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to educating the public about sports-related concussions, including the importance of proper diagnosis and management of the injury.

We achieve this goal through our SportsConcussions.org website which is updated daily, attendance and presentation at conferences, and community outreach efforts. Staff members have given concussion presentations at high schools, hospitals, private clinics, community league meetings, team meetings, EMS conferences, state school nurse and athletic trainers' conferences, and more.

SportsConcussions.org is a member of the American College of Sports Medicine's Coalition that has worked to pass concussion legislation in all 50 states.

Brain Health

Don't ignore neurological symptoms

It is rare for a sports-related concussions to result in a more serious injury such as a skull fracture or hematoma. Nonetheless, it pays to be aware that catastrpohic injuries do sometimes occur as ...



GPS for the brain; the "connectome"

Athens, Ga.- University of Georgia researchers have developed a map of the human brain that shows great promise as a new guide to the inner workings of the body's most complex and critical organ.




CDC: Return-to-school guide for school professionals
  • School professionals play an important role in the health of all students. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of concussion is important, as is managing their return to school ...

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SportsConcussions.org does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Additional Information