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  • Ivy League leads concussion policy changes
  • Study: concussed athletes returning too soon
  • The Dynavision D2 ™
  • receives All-Star Award
  • Progesterone seems to protect neurons after injury
  • UPMC study; early indicators of prolonged concussion recovery
  • Unexpected youth football impact data (PBS video)
  • Former NFL player Coy Wire on concussions: create a new norm
  • Wisconsin governor signs concussion legislation


iBaselineTM a division of, is a complementary service designed to help develop concussion management plans for school districts, leagues, and teams involved in every sport.

Our experts work with you to determine which resources are appropriate for your situation, your goals, and your budget.

Your plan may include sideline concussion management, balance testing, computerized neuropsychological (baseline) testing, speakers for your organization, handouts, and more. We'll show you how.

Let us help you educate your organization including your coaches, parents, athletes.

Contact us today, our program is offered as a public service.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If we're offering baseline testing in your area:

Computer baseline testing: We offer computerized neuropsychological (baseline) testing from a variety of companies. If you are attending one of our testing sessions in your community, contact us for dates, times, and permission slips. All paperwork is also available at the testing site. Please RSVP (so you don't have to wait) as computer availablilty varies at each location.

Contact us

Brain Health

Don't ignore neurological symptoms

It is rare for a sports-related concussions to result in a more serious injury such as a skull fracture or hematoma. Nonetheless, it pays to be aware that catastrpohic injuries do sometimes occur as ...



GPS for the brain; the "connectome"

Athens, Ga.- University of Georgia researchers have developed a map of the human brain that shows great promise as a new guide to the inner workings of the body's most complex and critical organ.




CDC: Return-to-school guide for school professionals
  • School professionals play an important role in the health of all students. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of concussion is important, as is managing their return to school ...


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