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School Nurses
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School nurses

  • School medical professionals play an important role in the health of all students. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of concussion is important, as is managing their return to school post-injury.
  • Some students may not experience or report symptoms until hours or days after the injury.
  • https://
  • Most young people with a concussion will recover quickly and fully. But for some, concussion signs and symptoms can last for days, weeks, or longer.


CDC's guide for school professionals: helping students return to school after concussion

Each year hundreds of thousands of K-12 students sustain a concussion as a result of a fall, motor-vehicle crash, collision on the playground or sports field, or other activity. Most will recover quickly and fully. However, school professionals, like you, will often be challenged with helping return a student to school who may still be experiencing concussion symptoms—symptoms that can result in learning problems and poor academic performance.

Knowledge of a concussion’s potential effects on ahttps://t, and appropriate management of the return-to-school process, is critical for helping students recover from a concussion.

Nhttps:// Association of School Nurses


Concussions: The Role of the School Nurse

It is the position of the National Association of School Nurses that the registered professional school nurse (hereinafter referred to as school nurse) is an essential member of the team addressing concussions. As the school-based clinical professional on the team, the school nurse has the knowledge and skills to provide concussion prevention education to parents, students and staff; identify suspected concussions; and help guide the student's post-concussion graduated academic and activity re-entry process. The school nurse collaborates with the team of stakeholders including health care providers, school staff, athletic trainers, and parents.

CDC's Heads Up to Schools: Know Your Concussion ABC's
Children and adolescents are among those at greatest risk for concussion. Concussions can result from a fall, or any time a student’s head comes into contact with a hard object, such as the floor, a desk, or another student’s head or body. The potential for a concussion is greatest during activities where collisions can occur, such as during physical education(PE) class, playground time, or school-based sports activities.

Signs/symptoms checklist

CDC's Heads Up to Clinicians: video training
Heads Up To Clinicians: Addressing Concussion in Sports among Kids and Teens is the focus of a new concussion training program produced by the CDC Foundation with a grant from the NFL. The course includes information that will guide medical professionals in the diagnosis and management of concussions in youth athletes on the sideline, in the office, in the training room, or in the emergency department.

The five video modules include:

  • Course overview and introduction
  • Pathophysiology of concussions
  • Diagnosing a concussion
  • Management of concussions
  • Preventing concussions

Brain Health

Teens miss recovery clues after concussion

PITTSBURGH — When recovering from concussion, young athletes rely too much on how they feel, and neglect more subtle neuropsychiatric and sleep issues to decide when it’s safe to get back in the game.



911 signal relay sends help to brain injury

Like emergency workers rushing to a disaster scene, cells called microglia speed to places where the brain has been injured, to contain the damage by ‘eating up’ any cellular debris and dead or dying ...



CDC: Return-to-school guide for school ...
  • School professionals play an important role in the health of all students. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of concussion is important, as is managing their return to school post-injury.
  • Some ...

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